The story of the KANAKI products begins in a small plant of Fillo and Kataifi in Kamatero, Attica in 1980. In 1988, that small plant was purchased by the I. Filippou Group of Companies.
At that time, the company was producing Kataifi and Fillo pastries in a rented space in Kamatero, with a total surface area of 800 m2, it employed 80 people and its turnover amounted to 800,000,000 Greek Drachmas (2,350,000 Euros), of which 90% came from its two main products, while over 50% of the company’s sales pertained to bulk products.
The aim of the new owners was to create a large and modern Greek food company, with an emphasis on branded products of high added value. To achieve this goal, a five-year investment plan was developed.